HINE LANGFANG HYDRAULIC TECHNOLOGY Co., LTD 伊内(廊坊)液压技术有限公司 HINE GROUP has 50 years of experience providing hydraulic solutions to all kind of industries and 30 years, in particular, to renewable energies. 伊内集团在五十年间为各个工业领域提供着完整的液压解决方案,并在近三十年里,不断致力于新能源液压系统的研发和技术革新。 In order to offer global support to its clients, HINE GROUP has its own manufacturing plants and workshops in Spain (Europe), Langfang (China), Pennsylvania (USA), Sao Paolo (Brazil) and Chennai (India). 为了更好地为客户提供全球液压技术支持,伊内集团在世界主要区域建立了自己的工厂,西班牙(欧洲总部)、廊坊(中国)、宾夕法尼亚(美国)、圣保罗(巴西)和金奈(印度)。 HINE GROUP´s subsidiary in China, HINE LANGFANG HYDRAULIC TECHNOLOGY since 2006 is constantly growing engineering company with high level expertise in all types of renewable energies, especially in Wind Power. HINE LANG FANG is located in 6 Factory 56 He Hua Street Lang Fang Development Zone He Bei province. 伊内(廊坊)液压技术有限公司,是隶属于伊内集团在中国的全资子公司,成立于2006年,位于河北省廊坊市开发区荷花道56号6号厂房,是一家致力于用自身雄厚的液压知识和技术水平不断推动新能源领域,尤其在风电领域,可持续性的健康发展。 Being a major player in designing, manufacturing and marketing of hydraulic systems and components, HINE LANGFANG HYDRAULIC TECHNOLOGY has set up a factory in Langfang and office in Shanghai, with an aim to become more accessible and to be able to directly respond to the worldwide customer's needs. 作为自主设计、自主研发的创造者,形成了完整的液压体系和相关元器件的生产、制造和全球市场的供应,伊内(廊坊)液压技术有限公司已建立了廊坊工厂和上海办事处,以便更加贴近客户,能直接应对客户的全球需求。 HINE Group is top 10 in hydraulics solutions in Wind Energy. 伊内集团是全球前十风能液压解决方案的供应商。